Christian Womanhood

Church Matters… But Why?

Church Matters… But Why?

We seem to be hearing a cacophony of messages about the church. We hear that the church, the gathering of committed believers led by Christ, is important. It matters. We also hear devastating stories from within the church. Abuse and cover-ups, pride and favoritism,...

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Do All the Good You Can

Do All the Good You Can

Each of us is in a corner of the world the other can't reach. I can't reach the people in a Georgia suburb like the people in the Georgia suburbs can. I can't reach the neighbor in southeast London like the people in southeast London can. You can't reach the people in...

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The Cost of Real Community

The Cost of Real Community

Yesterday after our church's first service a group of families walked next door to the playground and, as our progeny swarmed the slides and swings, we talked about the cost of community. In the sermon this week, our pastors talked about the cost of Christian...

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Honest Marriage Episode 7 // On Transitions

Honest Marriage Episode 7 // On Transitions

For years it seemed like Josh and I could not come up for air. During engagement, Josh struggled to find a job after college. The job he found was unpredictable and kept him on the road every day, sometimes away for a week or more at a time. Once we were married, not much changed. We found out we were pregnant on our first anniversary and from then on experienced a succession of job changes, losses, financial set backs, out of state moves, more babies, moving again, starting a business – it just didn’t end. 

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Contemplative Prayer: Biblical or New Age?

Contemplative Prayer: Biblical or New Age?

“Put simply, the contemplative life is the steady gaze of the soul upon the God who loves us. It is ​“an intimate sharing between friends,” to use the words of Teresa of Avila.” That’s how contemplation is described by Renovare, the ministry founded by spiritual disciplines expert and lifelong pastor, Richard Foster. 

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Ask Anything Q&A: Jewish Feasts, Friendships with Non-Christians [Transcribed]

Ask Anything Q&A: Jewish Feasts, Friendships with Non-Christians [Transcribed]

Every few episodes in our current podcast series is a quick compilation of Ask Anything Monday questions. I answer these rapid fire, covering a range of ideas and topics sent in by you! In this episode, we talk about:

dating for experience versus dating for marriage
friendships with non Christians
why charismatics are accused of being New Age
the origins of Mennonite churches

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What is Dispensationalism?

What is Dispensationalism?

In this episode of Verity Podcast, I break down the history of dispensationalism, how it spread so quickly throughout the continental United States, and the impact it has had on our view of the church and end times theology.

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A Little Grace: Van’s Birth Story

A Little Grace: Van’s Birth Story

Every pregnancy the Lord permits a particular challenge to enter my life. This one was no different. With Addie, we moved to a new state at 37 weeks along. With Eva, Josh lost his job when I was 7 months pregnant. And with Van, Josh resigned his job, unwillingly and due to difficult circumstances, three months before I was due. Having been through major life events during pregnancy three times, I can only believe God uses a season which can be incredibly anxiety-inducing on its own to further increase my dependence on Him. And while I wouldn’t choose the difficulty we’ve faced during pregnancy, I can say that incredible sweetness has come out of it as well.

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How the Bible Was Canonized: The Writings

How the Bible Was Canonized: The Writings

The Writings are the third portion of the Hebrew Bible, made up of books like Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, and Song of Solomon. These books were believed, by the Jews, to have one level less authority than prophetic books. Some of them were debated regarding canonicity, such as Song of Songs. But interestingly, it is books of Wisdom/Writings (the Ketuvim) that are read at every major Jewish festival.

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